Migraine Solution Tips

Migraines and Caffeine

Migraineurs have a love-hate relationship with caffeine. For many, the vasoconstrictor helps alleviate their migraine pain. For an equal […]

Aromatherapy and Migraines

Most physicians agree that aromatherapy makes an excellent complementary therapy for migraineurs. Aromatherapy has not been shown to eliminate […]

Chiropractic Care for Migraines

Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive way to relieve migraine suffering without the use of medication. Chiropractic migraine treatment […]

Migraine FAQs

Migraines and Obesity

Are you more likely to have migraines if you are obese? The simple answer, for adults, is no. The […]

Acupressure and Migraines

Acupressure is a completely non-invasive treatment option that has a high success rate among migraineurs (people who suffer from […]

Heal Your Own Headaches

Migraine Info

Migraine Stages

Migraines develop in four stages. Patients with migraines with aura, also known as classic migraines, are most likely to experience all four stages. Patients who have common migraines, migraines without aura, will have the same stages, but are not consciously aware of them. The interval between migraines is sometimes referred to as the fifth stage of a migraine. Stage One – Prodrome The prodromal phase usually begins one or two days prior to the actual migraine headache. Many migraineurs call this the “premonition” phase. Feelings during this […]

Migraine Myths

There are a number of commonly held beliefs about migraines that make it hard for sufferers to get proper diagnosis and treatment. 1) Migraines are not real (all in the head, an overreaction to a normal headache, etc.). Not true. Migraines are a biologic primary headache disorder. Even migraine pain is not confined to the head, though that is generally where it is worst. 2) Migraines have a known cause. Sadly, no. There have been several interesting theories put forward in the last decade, but no single, […]

Hypnotic Migraine Relief

Hypnosis is not just an entertainer’s trick to please and amuse crowds. Hypnotherapists are helping migraineurs ease their pain. Sometimes they are even able to relieve other migraine symptoms like vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound, too. The hypnotist’s goal is to relax patients into a trancelike state in order to access their subconscious mind. A good therapist will then place gentle suggestions in the subconscious that will help migraineurs deal with their pain by changing how they perceive it. Rather than focusing on pain perception, […]

Acupuncture for Migraines

Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical techniques in the world, practiced in China for over 2,000 years. It is a FDA-approved treatment modality for a number of illnesses, especially pain management and chronic pain, and is particularly effective in treating migraines. Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment that involves stimulating some of the over 800 vital energy points in the human body with fine, hair-thin needles to release chi and encourage the body to heal itself. The vital energy points are on the meridians that […]